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Dédicace Louis BLERIOT 2015 à Theix - Morbihan / Foxoo
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Source : Le Petit Café dans la Prairie Publié le 24/10/15 | Vues : 62

Dédicace Louis BLERIOT 2015 à Theix / Morbihan

Evènement passé.

Le dimanche 08 novembre 2015 à Theix.

Dimanche 8 novembre à 16h30 « Dédicace Louis BLERIOT  »
Born 8 years after his grandfather's death, the author, his grandson, ever since he understood what his grandfather had accomplished, started gathering as much information as he could about his mythical ancestor. Today he owns a large collection of Blériot memorabilia, and became an expert on Blériot history.
Débute à 16H30
Gorvello Café, 56 theix


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